In accordance with the recommended guidelines of ABMP, PA Massage Board, PA Dept of Health, and the CDC the following procedures will be implemented during this pandemic situation. As this ever-evolving situation continues, guidelines and procedures will adjust as necessary.
- All clients will be required to wear a mask upon entering the facility and will also be required to wear a mask during the massage/bodywork session.
- The practitioner will wear a mask throughout the entire session – from the welcoming, the actual session, and the closing.
- Clients are asked to wait in their vehicle until notified to enter.
- Only the scheduled client may enter as the waiting room has been dismantled for the time being.
- Upon entry, temperature will be taken and recorded. If temperature is 100.4 or above then the session must be post-poned.
- COVID19 intake and informed consent forms are required to be completed.
- Clients are asked to re-schedule any appointments if they are feeling not well, have had an elevated temperature within 24hrs of their appointment, have been exposed to someone with COVID19 or the possibility of (awaiting test results) within the prior two weeks to their appointment, or if the client is awaiting their own test results.
- Clients are asked to notify the practitioner immediately if they develop symptoms of COVID19 and/or have been exposed to someone with COVID19 during a two week time frame from their last appointment.
- The practitioner will notify clients immediately if they develop symptoms of COVID19 and/or have been exposed to someone with COVID19 during a two week time frame of appointments.
- Clients should be aware that if the practitioner is notified of a COVID19 situation then the practice will shut down until testing is complete. All scheduled appointments will need to be re-scheduled.
- All door knobs, flat surfaces, and bathrooms will cleaned in-between sessions with List N – EPA approved disinfectant.
- Plastic liners will be placed between the sheet and the futon or table and will be cleaned in-between sessions with List N – EPA approved disinfectant.
- Head rest/face cradles will be cleaned in-between sessions with List N- EPA approved disinfectant and one-use disposable face cradle covers will be utilized.
- HEPA Air Filtration will be utilized in-between sessions.